Trade War 2019: How to Spot “Blood in the Street” Opportunities

Shortly after new U.S. tariffs were announced in May 2019, the S&P 500 lost $1.2 trillion. Shortly after that, China retaliated, announcing tariffs on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods, making the situation so much more “fun” that it already was. Worse, according to analysts at the time, “ “Our view is this could escalate … Continue reading “Trade War 2019: How to Spot “Blood in the Street” Opportunities”

The Secret Behind John Templeton’s Success

Sir John Templeton was never considered a typical money manager. His Templeton Growth Fund grew at a rate of nearly 16% a year between 1954 and 1992, making it the top performing growth fund of the second half of the 20thcentury. Every $100,000 invested in 1954 was worth well over $55 million just 45 years … Continue reading “The Secret Behind John Templeton’s Success”